LinkedIn custom feed filter to see only your favorite content

LinkLion’s free Chrome extension lets you select your favorite people and filter your Linkedin feed to see only their recent posts.

Easy to Use


Install the free Chrome extensions and create your account


Select your favorite LinkedIn profile by clicking the Star button


Toggle on/off your custom LinkedIn feed from the LinkLion sidebar


Enjoy your filtered feed with only recent posts from your favorite people

Sign up and enjoy an upgraded LinkedIn experience!

Clean up your LinkedIn feed Remove uninteresting posts from your feed.

Easily toggle on/off your custom feed to discover new content.

Clean up your LinkedIn feed Remove uninteresting posts from your feed.

Sale Navigator Account not required to use LinkLion.

Never miss a post from your favorite people on LinkedIn.

Save time only scrolling through posts that interest you.

New design and interface coming soon.

Toggle between custom and default feed

Easily toggle between your custom favorites feed and the default LinkedIn feed.

Turn off your custom feed when you want to see content from all your connections to discover fresh content.

Create custom lists of Favorites

Easily toggle between your custom favorites feed and the default LinkedIn feed.

Turn off your custom feed when you want to see content from all your connections to discover fresh content.

Personal LinkedIn Analytics

Your LinkLion sidebar displays Analytics and Charts showing your LinkedIn stats such as Connection, Followers, Post Impressions, Profile views and more.

Filter and Compare charts between Weekly, monthly or any custom date range.

List all your recent posts (Premium Plan)

See a list of your recent LinkedIn posts right in the LinkLion sidebar.

Easily sort the list based on engagement stats.


Integrated with all tools you already know and love


Don’t take our word for it. See what our clients say.

Lindsay Johnson - Techcloud X Webflow Template
Lindsay Johnson
VP of Marketing at Facebook

“Id auctor dignissim tincidunt duis quis tortor et amet sed turpis ametole iaculis vulputate duis amet id”

John Carter - Techcloud X Webflow Template
John Carter
Head of Growth at Webflow

“Id auctor dignissim tincidunt duis quis tortor et amet sed turpis ametole iaculis vulputate duis amet id”

Sophie Moore - Techcloud X Webflow Template
Sophie Moore
Marketer at Pinterest

“Id auctor dignissim tincidunt duis quis tortor et amet sed turpis ametole iaculis vulputate duis amet id”

Andy Smith - Techcloud X Webflow Template
Andy  Smith
Head of Growth at Google

“Id auctor dignissim tincidunt duis quis tortor et amet sed turpis ametole iaculis vulputate duis amet id”

Lindsay Johnson - Techcloud X Webflow Template
Lindsay Johnson
VP of Marketing at Facebook

“Id auctor dignissim tincidunt duis quis tortor et amet sed turpis ametole iaculis vulputate duis amet id”

John Carter - Techcloud X Webflow Template
John Carter
Head of Growth at Webflow

“Id auctor dignissim tincidunt duis quis tortor et amet sed turpis ametole iaculis vulputate duis amet id”

Sophie Moore - Techcloud X Webflow Template
Sophie Moore
Marketer at Pinterest

“Id auctor dignissim tincidunt duis quis tortor et amet sed turpis ametole iaculis vulputate duis amet id”

Andy Smith - Techcloud X Webflow Template
Andy  Smith
Head of Growth at Google

“Id auctor dignissim tincidunt duis quis tortor et amet sed turpis ametole iaculis vulputate duis amet id”

Lindsay Johnson - Techcloud X Webflow Template
Lindsay Johnson
VP of Marketing at Facebook

“Id auctor dignissim tincidunt duis quis tortor et amet sed turpis ametole iaculis vulputate duis amet id”

John Carter - Techcloud X Webflow Template
John Carter
Head of Growth at Webflow

“Id auctor dignissim tincidunt duis quis tortor et amet sed turpis ametole iaculis vulputate duis amet id”

Sophie Moore - Techcloud X Webflow Template
Sophie Moore
Marketer at Pinterest

“Id auctor dignissim tincidunt duis quis tortor et amet sed turpis ametole iaculis vulputate duis amet id”

Andy Smith - Techcloud X Webflow Template
Andy  Smith
Head of Growth at Google

“Id auctor dignissim tincidunt duis quis tortor et amet sed turpis ametole iaculis vulputate duis amet id”

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