Plans comparison

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Realtime analytics
User analytics
Funnel optimization
Automated reports
AI data predictions
Advanced charts
20+ integrations
Seamless data sync
Data enrichment
$99.00 USD
Startup Plan
Realtime analytics
User analytics
Automated reports
AI data predictions
$399.00 USD
Enterprise Plan
Realtime analytics
User analytics
Funnel optimization
Automated reports
AI data predictions
Advanced charts
20+ integrations
Seamless data sync
Data enrichment

Frequently Asked Questions

How can we help? We want using LinkLion to be easy. If you don’t find the answer to your question below, please email us

Only paid accounts allow you to create custom lists of your favorites. You can organize for Favorites into custom lists by visiting their LinkedIn profile page, clicking the Manage Lists button in the LinkLion sidebar, selecting the list you want them to be in and then clicking Update Favorite List.

No, ads still show in your newsfeed.  

In order to create custom lists to organize your favorite profiles, you will need to upgrade to a paid LinkLion account. To create a new list, go to the LinkLion sidebar on your newsfeed and click the Plus + button. In the screen that opens, click "New List" and then type the name of the new list you want to create and then click Enter.   

We can only start tracking your data from the time you create your LinkLion account. Then it will collect your stats each day that you are signed on to both LinkedIn and LinkLion.

Simply use LinkLion to Favorite the people that you want to do business with. Then, every day you can toggle on your custom LinkLion newsfeed to see all the recent posts from those people. Take a few minutes each day to leave a thoughtful comments on their posts and build a relationship with them.

There are two ways to add favorites to your LinkLion account.
1) Click the Star icon next to someone's name in your LinkedIn newsfeed.
2) Visit a LinkedIn profile page and then click the Favorite button in the LinkLion sidebar.

Not a problem, you can simply toggle your custom feed on or off to see the regular LinkedIn feed.

No, we don’t read any of your information in your LinkedIn account. And we don’t publish any content to your account. We don’t see your Password either. 

No, using LinkLion should not cause a problem for your account. If you are using our Expert Plan we recommend upgrading to a paid LinkedIn account so that you won't get flagged for visited more than 100  profiles each day.

As of this time, you cannot favorite a company page. However, we are working on adding that feature in the future.